It’s Too Soon For You To Go

It’s too soon for you to go.
I want to tell you,
or I want you to know
what your legacy is doing.
Just let me graduate from college,
so I can send you the photos.
Just wait a little longer,
so I can love you a little better.

It’s too soon for you to go.
I want you to tell me,
or I want to know
your old time stories.
Sing those hymns from your childhood,
and give me sewing tips.
Share with me the wisdom
you gleaned from eighty years and eight kids.

It’s too soon for you to go.
I want to tell you,
or I want you to know
who I am becoming.
Just let me get married
so I can invite you to the wedding.
Just let me start a family
so we can visit you at Thanksgiving.

It’s too soon for you to go.
Tell me how you fell in love
and how to make a marriage last,
because most of us have forgotten
what commitment feels like.

It’s too soon for you to go.
Let me memorize the sound of your voice
and the shape of your curly hair.

It’s too soon for you to go.
They tell me I look like you
when you were my age.

It’s too soon for you to go.
I’m afraid I won’t know who I am
If you can’t tell me where I came from.

It’s too soon for you to go,
and it always will be.

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